Shingfong PVC Trunking Verskaffer Kontak Ons Detail

As jy belangstel in PVC Elektriese Trunking en PVC Conduit Pipe, kontak ons ​​asseblief per e-pos of selfoon. Hier is ons kontakbesonderhede.

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Kontak Ons:

Sihui Sou Lei Loey Tegniese Co., Ltd

Sihui Shingfong Plastic Product Factory Co., Ltd.

Adres: No.168, Qingdongweg, Dongcheng-distrik, Sihui City, Guangdong-provinsie, China

Poskode: 526200

Tel: +86-758-3227222

Faks: +86-758-3227907

Kontak persoon: 

Me.Jessie Lai


Selfoon: +86 13430255265

Tel: +86-758-3227222

Faks: +86-758 3227907

Wechat: shingfong8

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